Stats Canada released its employment projections for the next quarter. Employment opportunities are down for millennials, those high school grads, university students looking for summer employment. I shared some insights with 11 CBC radio stations and their listeners across Canada on how summer and first time job seekers can up their notability on their resume, find jobs that make them want to get up in the morning and win the interview when they get one. I invite you to take a listen!
Helping Your Student Get Job Ready
Soon students will be exiting their hallowed halls of higher education, security and built in sociability to look for a summer job or, their first permanent position.
Before they go off into the big scary world of commerce, you as parents can guide them as to the dos and don’ts of a proper work search. They may not want to listen to you, but hopefully a columnist has some clout, so feel free to clip out this article and leave it under their cereal bowl in the morning.
The number one complaint heard the world over is, “I don’t have the experience so how can I get a job?” Experience doesn’t have to come from paid employment. Encourage your student-child to do volunteer work if they are still too young to be paid or paid work is not forth coming. Nursing homes, parks and recreation facilities, art galleries, museums, Guides and Brownies, Scouts and Cubs and BINGO halls, all hire student volunteers. Most high schools have community initiative programs where students get compensated for volunteer work towards their schooling. Check with the local Lions and Rotary clubs in your neighborhood for man power they can utilize. All these assignments can go on their resume.
For students with some work experience, they need a good solid resume that highlights their previous work experience and contributions, student council positions, athletic teams or yearbook staff, newspaper or activity club involvement. Babysitters should take a Babysitting Certificate course; swimmers need their CLS to lifeguard or teach. Many school activities teach skills that are transferable to parks and recreation programs: skating, gymnastics, arts and crafts. Tutoring lower grades or students in ESL counts too.
When applying for a position, encourage your job seeker to dress the part of a reliable, mature, serious applicant. Encourage them to meet the decision maker of the company when handing in the resume, whether they drop it by or have arranged an appointment. Never dress like you need a job, don’t lug along your friends, pet, mother or baby sister and be well groomed, no gum or visible signs of bodily mutilation – there could be an exception on Queen Street West in a pub or retail store.
List awards won and multiple languages spoken. Work done in a family business counts too. Global living experience makes one more worldly and cultured – include it.
Attitude accounts for a huge percentage of ones success in getting an interview and ultimately a job. Belief in yourself, confidence in your abilities and a positive personal attitude beats out desperation, entitlement and laziness every time.
Just before they step out the door to apply for a job, have them step in front of a mirror and ask them, “Would you hire this person to work for you, and how much would you pay them?”
Colleen Clarke, Your Resumé Pro
Interviewing Success After Being Fired
I have been fired more than once in my life. Little did I know at the time that those experiences would help make me a more understanding, empathetic and wise career consultant in my 5th incarnation.
While on a job interview after my last firing the interviewer knew I had been ‘let go.’ He was a wonderful person, CEO and interviewer. He asked me, “is there anything we should do or should know about so as to prevent a repeat of the occurrence that happened at xyz company?” I was totally blown away. What a gracious and polite way to make an uncomfortable situation manageable!
From a Job Seekers Perspective
Unfortunately, most interviewers are not that tactful and gracious. So what to do? Dr. Jack Muskat is a Toronto based organizational psychologist who suggests that candidates who have been fired for such things as misconduct, mental health flair ups or poor management /communication skills, must be non defensive and open in this interview.
Know your short comings. Know what you excel at and be prepared to blow your horn, but also know your limitations. If you can only manage certain people, let it be known. If you are not a detail person, more of a visionary, be solution focused and suggest, “Pair me with a detailed person in a team and we will exceed expectations.”
When asked why you were fired explain the situation, but don’t over explain. Put a positive spin on it by explaining what you learned from the situation and how you would handle a similar situation going forward. Have an answer for everything Dr. Muskat advises.
If employment gaps or time lines are the issue you may need to explain why you were only at a company for a short period of time. Write out and practice your reply. Outline the problems you encountered and the obstacles to getting them solved. Don’t make excuses for yourself, just talk about the situation and how in a perfect world you would fix things.
You need a company that will support your fears and is a healthy work environment that allows you to excel and flourish. Know what those factors are so you can define them and speak to them. Be careful not to get caught up in needing a job and ignore red flags of toxic or inappropriate work environments where you will repeat what you just left. Tell the interviewer the type of boss you work best under and what motivates and inspires you to succeed. You are looking for colleagues who are complimentary to your style, personality and skills.
Be prepared to speak to everything on your resume with strong stories to validate your skills and knowledge.
From the Employer’s Perspective
Whether a candidate is asked the question or not, an interviewer wants to know why someone was fired? Was it poor fit, low numbers, mistreated staff, sloppy work, unprofessional, what is the real reason?
Employers need to know weaknesses so they can ascertain if they can live with and manage these shortcomings so you don’t fail again. They know everyone is flawed and that no one is perfect so expecting perfection would be a mistake on their part, yet commonly assumed.
Dr. Muskat tells us that good interviewers will probe carefully to understand what risks the interviewee might present and what gotta have’s both parties need for the relationship to work.
A hiring manager might want to know what you look like when you are angry and how your show you are pleased. When someone enters your office when you are really busy, how might they expect you to react? If you are asked about failures be sure to have one, professional or personal. Don’t dwell on the explanation but be sure to highlight the learnings you gleaned from the mistake or failure.
Questions could include the whereabouts of the staff who reported to you or who you worked with over the years. Are they promoted? What would they say about you?
At the end of the day, the employer needs to see that you are truly remorseful for any wrong doings, that you have learned from your mistakes and are you willing to change.
Will an employer hire someone who has been fired? Dr. Muskat says it depends on what brought them down and what an employer is prepared to do to keep them on the straight and narrow.
Colleen Clarke, Your Resumé Pro
Between Job Survival Tips
As the days get shorter and the sunlight starts to diminish, it is harder to stay motivated and do a job search five days a week. Do you have to?
Though attitude accounts for an enormous part of your ability to get through this transition time, using these survival tips might help too.
- Job search is 5 focused, productive hours a day in the first few months of being unemployed. Get organized, set daily and weekly goals and make the best use of each quarter of the day. Surfing the net, updating Facebook and answering questionnaires does not count for any of the 5 hours; updating and working on Linkedin does count.
- Balance your day with pleasurable activities or recreation in the afternoons so as to work for a couple hours in the evenings on tasks that don’t require making business calls.
- Treat yourself to designer coffees rather than designer sportswear. Allow yourself little luxuries. Discount movie theatres are a great escape from the real world of looking for work day in and day out. Free lunch hour concerts downtown get you out of the house, possibly chatting up working folks and they also give you a culture break away from your desk.
- Let friends treat you to coffees or lunches when they offer, then remember to pay them back when you are re-employed.
- Attend a yoga, meditation or exercise class minimally 3 times a week. Take care of your body, mind and spirit. Eat more sensibly than ever before. Limit sugars and carbs, truly you are what you eat!
- Make a list of your assets, liabilities and begin eliminating expenses you can temporarily live without. Create a stripped down budget. Parking costs for instance can accumulate quickly, watch your transportation practices.
- Keep child care services as long as you can. You need the freedom to go on advice calls and interviews and to meet with fellow job seekers for support and commraderie.
- Allow yourself the luxury of sleeping in an hour or so later than when you HAD TO get up. You may have to sacrifice some afternoon play time or evenings but you deserve it, guilt free sleep-ins only allowed!
- Volunteer work is a great remedy for self-pity. Give back to the community, you owe it to yourself and it reminds you of how talented you really are and how much you have to offer.
- Learn a new sport, learn to cook, play with your kids and your pets more. Explore parts of your city or town you’ve never been to before.
- If you are going to take your lap top to the local coffee shop be sure to chat someone up as well. You need adult human contact and you need to meet new people.
- Join a Toastmasters program.
- Start writing. Keep a journal or twitter of your discoveries, trials and tribulations. Write about a favorite subject that pertains to your work. See if you can get it published in an industry newsletter, magazine or community paper.
- Laugh more. Whether it is joining Laughter Yoga, watching animals and children play, watching Just for Laughs on TV or hanging out with humorous friends, get those endorphins going.
- Socialize every chance you get. Join or attend networking groups, Meet Up groups, association meetings, Board of Trade functions, seminars, audit courses for free and go to parties with your head held high and your 30 second info-mmercial honed to a tee – remember to take business cards.
- Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who are your cheerleaders for success, not naysayers of doom. Close your ears to those who have given up on you and believe you are too old, too inexperienced, too educated, too tall or too far fetched to get the job of your dreams.
- Look at this free time as a gift, it won’t last forever. You know you will work again, maybe sooner than you think, be good to yourself.
Whatever you do, don’t give up!
Colleen Clarke, Your Resumé Pro
Author of Networking How To Build Relationships That Count and How To Get a Job and Keep It